Ecclesiastes 4:12 NKJV Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Good support is hard to come by. Whether it’s family, friends, strangers who offer useful Bark Busters reviews, or even a bra it seems that support always comes with…
International Babywearing Week 2016: Babywearing For The Win
It’s National Babywearing Week and I couldn’t help but want to share my experiences with babywearing since L was born. If you take one look at my Instagram you can see that I LOVE IT and my various carriers and wraps are always on my must have lists for new…
Life Lessons From A 5 Month Old (5 Things that my 5 month old has taught me!)
I admire babies. They have so much to learn from us but they also teach us so much. Joshua has learned so much in the short period of time he has been on this earth. I remember when he was born like it was yesterday and now he is…
A Letter To the Dad that Didn’t Choose Me
"The thing about super villains is every villain has the potential to be a hero..."