I always knew I wanted to babywear. With a giant belly and well into my nesting phase of the pregnancy, I was picking which carriers I wanted for my husband and myself to snuggle the new sweet baby that would be arriving in July of 2013, but we never made it to…
International Babywearing Week 2016: Babywearing From Newborn to Toddler
“You are the spokesperson for babywearing, Jennifer!”
International Babywearing Week 2016: Babywearing For The Win
It’s National Babywearing Week and I couldn’t help but want to share my experiences with babywearing since L was born. If you take one look at my Instagram you can see that I LOVE IT and my various carriers and wraps are always on my must have lists for new…
International Babywearing Week 2016: How Babywearing Saved My Sanity
Babywearing, oh how I love thee. I don’t know how I would get through most days if it wasn’t for the convenience of babywearing. I loved it with my first child, but fell even more deeply into love with all things babywearing with the birth of our second kid. With…