Well it is now 2020! It is the time of year when everyone is posting their resolutions and goals, so I decided I would add mine to the mix. 2020 is the year that I choose to be kind to myself, but 2020 is also the year that I choose to thrive rather than survive.
One of the most important things in life is be cool, and be kind to other people, but being cool and kind to ourselves is even more important. In the past I have created goals that I never met because life happened, and now I understand… that life happens.

2019 I survived. I tried learning how to balance a severe chronic illness, my blog, my family, and being a new youth pastor alongside my husband. 2020 is the year I choose to thrive in all of those things by first choosing to be kind to myself.
What does that look like though? To me it looks like resting when my body says rest and not beating myself up for it. To me being kind to myself is saying no because, like my mom, I am a yes person and I will fill up my plate completely. Being kind to myself also includes spending more time in prayer and being in constant communication with God. I feel like that is the most refreshing and kindest thing that I can give myself… a deeper and more intimate relationship with God.

2020 is also the year that I choose to be less critical of myself because every body is a good body. Battling chronic illness helped me realize that I need to slow down. I need to spend more time loving me because my body is fighting a fight that can take so much out of me if I rush.
To help me achieve my goal for 2020 I have not only surrounded myself with amazing people but I also have reminders to help keep me in check.

Necklace from Words By Heart Jewelry use code THEBROCKBLOG to save
This shirt from CandEapparel.com is the perfect reminder for myself and others to be cool and be kind. You can use code BROCKBLOG to save on your purchase from CandEapparel.com

Another reminder that keeps my goal close to my heart is this stunning necklace from Words By Heart Jewelry. It is a simple and beautiful reminder that I can wear daily. Words By Heart Jewelry has so many inspirational pieces, this is just one of many. You can use code THEBROCKBLOG to save on your order from WordsByHeart.com

So my biggest goal for 2020 is to just be kind to myself, nothing big but something that I need. What is your goal for 2020? Share it in the comments and let me know how you plan to achieve it!