Hey y’all! I know I have been silent these past few weeks on social media and the blog but we just moved! God called and we answered. I have always had a heart for ministry. Even in my rebellious teenage years I had a heart for ministry and Jesus..it just may not have been that large, but it was still there. I grew up in a Christian home. We went to church and I am a PK (pastor’s kid), so some think that was the option I knew in life when in reality that couldn’t be farther from the truth. My mom supported my brother and I in whatever our dreams were and mine just happened to be worship ministry, youth ministry, and missions work. I even attempted to go to bible college… and to be completely honest I learned more in that one semester then I thought I ever would. My eyes were opened to new things, which can be hard for a PK because we’ve read the bible cover to cover multiple times.
It seemed that after leaving Bible college to have Joshua I stopped chasing ministry and started running around in circles chasing my tail, but ministry and doing God’s will was always a desire of my heart. Even though I stopped chasing ministry I guess I can say God never stopped paving the way for Joe and I to minister for him. At the beginning of 2017 an opportunity arose for us to move to a small town about 30 minutes from where Joe worked to live in the church parsonage and help with the youth out there. In this season of our life God opened our eyes to many things. My eyes were opened at Bible College and Joe’s eyes were opened to the mechanics of things when we moved to the Church Parsonage.
At the end of 2017 we were discussing moving to a new place because we believe that this season of our life is coming to an end. My one request was that where ever we move needs to be a place that will use us in the places that we are gifted and have a nursery so that we can effectively minister and be poured into. God really impressed on me to bring up moving to Lubbock. Not because it was where my mother lived but because her home church has always felt like home to me and I knew they had exactly what we were looking for.
Upon further prayer and discussion, God revealed in many ways that is where we need to be. The confirmation was overwhelming, so we met with the pastor and his wife to discuss vision and the ability it serve and work with the youth because that is where our passion is.
With the season of growth coming to an end and a season of refining beginning we have moved to Lubbock Texas to chase ministry and help young students fall in love with God. God has already begun a work in my family, my marriage, and myself so I am excited to see what God will do through us in this next year as we follow his lead and go where he has called us.
I would love it if you would follow along with us on this journey! I will be sharing my usual motherhood, beauty, and fashion posts as well as updates with our move into ministry and things that God lays on my heart. I might even share a sermon or two if I believe it is something that you guys would enjoy. So please sign up for The Block Blog’s newsletter so that you can be notified when we have a new post! [mailerlite_form form_id=1]
As Always Keep Smiling,
Jennifer Brock