Oh December. What can I say the jolliest time of the year? I mean, it is supposed to be but December for us did not start of that jolly at all. Honestly, December was a rough month overall for us. Although there was a lot of positive things that happened, the negative kind of carried itself throughout the month. This update is going to have the real, because if things are rough and I paint a pretty picture in my updates then what is the point? The point of these updates is to give y’all a glimpse into my life… good or bad.
So December started rough. My family felt hurt in many ways and had to lean on God harder than we have this year. We had to give God a situation that we were not prepared for last year when we decided to make this move. We learned who our true family is and that those people will be with us through thick and thin. God gave us strength to take the high road when our flesh wanted so badly to take the low road. All I can say is without God December would have started worse than it did. “If God is for us then who can be against us?” That is the promise we are standing on. We know that God will provide, we know that God will protect us, and we know that God will use this for his good. Forgiveness has been something that I have had to work on my entire life and is not easy but it is a choice that Joe and I are making daily… to forgive but not allow ourselves to get hurt again. We are thankful for the godly wisdom that we have received from the people we have reached out to and are so thankful their support!

Health time. Every life update has a me update. Why? Because of the ongoing battle I am fighting with adenomyosis. Last month the shot didn’t really kick in fast like it was supposed to but, this month the pain has been very minimal even though I have been extremely exhausted. My prayer is that this shot lasts through our anniversary vacation because I don’t want to fight this fight while celebrating us time with my husband.

With it being Christmas time we were not going to do that whole Santa thing this year, but Joe decided to introduce Joshua to Barney. During a Christmas special the kids are asked what the want for Christmas… to which Joshua replies- “I want Man-man.” Translated to, I want Spider-Man. Then Joshua proceeds to come tell me what he told Santa. To test the theory that my 2 year old is growing up and just had this light bulb moment about Santa, I asked Joshua what Santa says and what he wants for Christmas. Joshua so cutely deepens his voices and says HO HO HO before saying he wants a man man from Santa.

We had a great Christmas. Joshua got his man man on top of many other fun things. Honestly one of my favorite presents that he received was a pair of boots from boot barn. Tip #1 on how to make your 2 year old look older than he is…. put a pair of boots on him. Joe and I didn’t do much gift giving but that is partially because we have a huge trip planned for January and are saving for that and a house at the same time.

With a new year on the horizon I have a lot of things planned for The Brock Blog and hope to be more consistent this year than I was last year as we are figuring out my health problems.
What are some things in 2019 that you would like to see on The Brock Blog? More beauty, fashion, or mom stuff? Let me know below.