Happy Monday Y’all!!!! Today is my birthday and I am celebrating 21 years worth of life and achievements. 2018 flew by and my birthday honestly snuck up on me, but it always does when it is the same week as thanksgiving. I figured, what better way to celebrate on the blog than by letting y’all get to know me more! Here are 21 facts about me to celebrate my 21 years of life!
Fact 1: I graduated high school 2 year early. Yes, you read that right. I graduated high school at 16 because I was homeschooled. Determined to get done early, I crammed 4 years of high school into 2 years. It definitely gave me something to do during the summer.
Fact 2: I got married at the age of 17. In the state of Texas it is legal, with a parents permission, to marry at the age of 17. I honestly never really saw myself getting married until I met Joe and honestly, my mom would not have okay’d the wedding if it was someone else. We got married after only 9 months of dating and are about to hit 4 years of marriage!

Fact 3: I studied a semester at Christ For The Nations institute in Dallas. Ministry has been my heart since I was a teenager. From worship, to missions, children, and youth… I want to serve God to the best of my ability and help teach others about him. I had to leave CFNI because of Joshua’s birth since we didn’t have child care, but I left with a 4.0 GPA even after sleeping through a lot of my classes and missing some due to morning sickness.
Fact 4: My heart has always been to see human trafficking eradicated and eventually want to open a non-profit to help women in need. My husband and I actually have a lot of it all planned out. The proceeds will go to help women who are in safe homes in India and eventually I will travel there to work with them and help show them their value and worth.
Fact 5: I have a crazy 2 year old named Joshua. If you have read my blog at all or followed along on social media then you know about Joshua. He is the reason I started blogging….. and the reason I don’t sleep. lol
Fact 6: We have 2 dogs and 1 cat. Our dogs are Donut and Oz. Our cat is Sora.
Fact 7: Thanks to my husband I am a video game nerd. I mean, I was a video game nerd before him but I just play more first person shooters now instead of rpg’s.
Fact 8: My favorite color is blue… hence the blue hair!
Fact 9: I eventually want to go to school for cosmetology. Not just because I love all things beauty but because when I travel to safe homes I want to be able to teach them a useful trade while I show them their worth and beauty.

Fact 10: I am a huge procrastinator. Heck, I’ve had this post planned for weeks and here I am sitting on my bed at 8:47pm on November 18th writing it all out.
Fact 11: I am a huge Harry Potter addict. Slytherin ALL the way. Joe is Hufflepuff and we are pretty sure Joshua is going to be Gryffindor…. has something to do with his red hair and wit.
Fact 12: We are android nerds. We have had apple products before and completely hate them. I would much rather have a flip phone than an iPhone… sorry not sorry.
Fact 13: Taco Bell is my life. When we eat cheap we ALWAYS hit up Taco Bell… we easily eat there about 3-4 times a week.
Fact 14: WhatABurger is the GOD of burger joints. I was raised on In N Out but WhatABurger has converted me to it’s heavenly ways. No joke… if you are on the fence get the Avocado Bacon Burger with no onions and your life will be changed for the better!
Fact 15: I have battled depression my entire life. The only relief I have found is through Jesus. When I live my life focused on Him and putting Him first I am at my happiest.

Fact 16: I am a HUGE metalhead. Metal is my go to music. Something about the atmosphere of local shows and festivals is just so relaxing to me.
Fact 17: I have an older brother named Bobby. He just started his photography business up and has been doing most of my blog photos! Check his work out here
Fact 18: I have 3 tattoos and want so many more. My left arm is, for the most part, going to be a fandom related sleeve… with the exception of my Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery (Human Tafficking awareness) tattoo. My right arm is going to a sleeve of things that mean something to me surrounded by roses. Right now on my right arm I have a Texas tattoo with a heart over where Joe and I met and a compass that says “spirit lead me” all surrounded by roses.

Fact 19: My favorite drink from Starbucks is a Java Chip Frappe with 1-2 shots of espresso. This drink ran through my veins while Joshua was at cooks.
Fact 20: I prefer Qdoba to Chipotle all day every day but will eat FreeBirds before either if I have the money for a super monster burrito. Like immediate drool. The only time I eat Chipotle is if I have a BOGO or it’s Halloween.
Fact 21: My all time favorite show is SUPERNATURAL!!!!! I don’t do spooky often or any of that jazz but Supernatural is my show. I could talk about it for hours and not get bored… plus the Supernatural fandom has a GIF for everything!!!
If you are reading this part then I can only assume you finished the list. Be sure to leave a fun fact about you in the comments below so I can get to know you more!