Food Help With Happy Family Mama Mentor’s

This post is sponsored by Happy Family Brands but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

Let’s face it being a mom you are full of questions. Whether you are a first timer or you have a circus full of monkeys you have questions. From day one I have always had questions on feeding Joshua. Is he getting enough milk when he nurses?, Is it okay for him to eat this now?, He hasn’t pooped in forever… what do I do?, and lately the question has been what is the best thing for him to eat since he eats ALL. THE. TIME.?

Joshua is literally like a black hole… every day.. emptying our cabinets because he just eats so much. I have tried googling solutions, that never ends well, and I have posted in mom groups, which 90% of the time ends up almost as bad as Google. I always get told “Well he is just going through a growth spurt, give it a month.” or “Stop feeding him so much or he will become overweight.” So I just stopped. I kept the questions between me and my husband. A growth spurt? Nah… He has been like this since before he turned 2 and in March he will be three. He will become overweight? Definitely not, this kid is a healthy weight and is always on the move so I don’t think that is a problem.

Joshua LOVES Happy Family food and recently they just added a Happy Mama Mentor Chat to their website that is open from 8am-8pm on Monday-Friday and from 8am-4pm on the weekends. When I heard about this I pushed it aside because I knew what I was going to hear…or so I thought. Finally the other day I decided to swallow my pride try it out.

I was surprised at how genuine my mentor was with her answers. She didn’t flood me with mom shame or answers that I could’ve found on Google. In fact she told me that this is honestly normal for a little boy and sent me a meal plan of new recipes to try for Joshua.

Happy Mama Mentor’s can help with most diet related questions including breastfeeding and meal plans for overly hungry toddlers. I highly recommend going to try it out if you have any questions about your child’s eating habits that you can’t seem to find answers for. Do you have questions about your little one? Have you had an experience like mine? Let me know in the comments below!!!

As Always Keep Smiling,
Jennifer Brock