Brock Life Update | June 2018

Hey Y’all. I know it has been a while since I’ve posted on really anything, Instagram, Facebook, the Blog. I just wanted to write up a post to let you know what all is going on in the Brock family and why I have not been posting lately. Because as a blogger there is a level of transparency I need to have so here is a very transparent post. (This post does include talk of feminine things so men read at your own risk.)

Shortly after Joshua was born I started to realize my body was not the same. I mean after having kids it never will be, right? But something told me this was different. Months became 2 years and my problems weren’t getting better, in fact they began to worsen. After our scare with Joshua in November/December of last year and having to constantly travel to Fort Worth for his follow ups, I decided to continue to put my problems on the back burner even though my mom was pestering me to go to the doctor before we even moved to Lubbock. Well, I finally decided to seek medical help in April after lots of prayer. I was in so much pain that if I moved I would throw up and nothing would help (heat, ice, etc.) on top of that since Joshua was born my periods progressively began getting worse… and I thought they were bad before. They became so heavy that tampons weren’t an option and I was in the bathroom every 2 hours to change the heaviest pad that I could my hands on. If that wasn’t bad enough I would find myself bleeding for 4-5 months at a time.

So at my first appointment they did blood work, a full exam and told me my uterus is retroflexed, prescribed me birth control to stop the bleeding, and scheduled an ultrasound. Three days into the birth control the bleeding had stopped completely but the pain and nausea were amplified. That was a small price to pay for the bleeding to stop. When my lab results came back I was told I was extremely anemic. I already knew I was anemic but I didn’t know how bad it was. My OB/GYN told me that it is extremely rare for someone my age to be as anemic as I am and seemed very, very concerned. About a month and a half after starting the birth control I began bleeding through and having the same problems as before.

The ultrasound happened and all that showed up was a polyp in my uterus that I will have removed surgically at the end of July. When I was told news of the polyp my OB/GYN said that it could be the reason I am bleeding so badly but he has no clue why I am in so much pain. Along with the D&C to remove the polyp they will be doing a laparoscopy to search for endometriosis and adenomyosis. Once I decided to seek help for my health problems, I found out the my mom had adenomyosis at a young age (a little older than me) and that my symptoms are somewhat mirroring hers with some being a lot worse than what she had experienced. Adenomyosis can also be genetic, so since she had it the possibility is a little bit higher that I do. That being said, we are assuming that, although the polyp may be part of the problem, there is a possibility that I could have one of these progressive diseases. The only way to rid the uterus of adeno and get better is to have a hysterectomy so knowing that there is a possibility that I could have one or the other is hard. No 20 year old mom should have to think about having one if they still want kids. It’s even harder that my 2 year old has baby fever…. like REALLY, REALLY, BAD. However it is possible for endo to be completely eradicated by having a proper excision surgery!

We are currently praying for total and complete healing for my body but until then I will continue to seek out medical help and find answers as to what is going on. If you would like to join my family in prayer that would be amazing and if you have a prayer need please don’t hesitate to message or email me directly, or leave your prayer need in the comments for all the other prayer warriors to pray over.

I will be posting when I can, but I will not be posting on a set schedule (although when I post a blog post I will most likely be posting it on a Monday) until I get my health figured out. I love blogging and hope to get back to writing full time again very soon! Thank you so much for y’all’s patience in this journey and I look forward to sharing more about what is going on as I receive more answers.

As Always Keep Smiling,
Jennifer Brock