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Graduation time is upon us. Whether you know someone who is graduating high-school or college the gifts are perfect. Freely Give is an organization that curates beautiful gift boxes for everyone in the family. They have gift boxes for moms, dads, even you littlest child.The thing that I love most about this brand is they are a brand with a purpose! CLICK HERE to read about how they give. Freely Give get’s their name from Matthew 10:8.
Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.
Matthew 10:8
Freely Give’s gift boxes/bags are full of items to help encourage and strengthen ones faith. Journals, Bibles, Books, even adult coloring books for the creative graduate they have something that would make the perfect gift for anyone. Here is my list of the top 6 gift boxes/bags for your grad, keep in mind all gifts $50 and over ship free!
I have listed them by price from lowest to greatest for your convenience!
This bag’s staple piece is a beautiful coloring and devotional journal. Paired with the journal is twelve fun colored gel pens with a storage case. This bag would not be complete with a glass water bottle embellished with the “Serenity Prayer”. This gift set comes all packed together in a thick linen bag so that you can take it on life’s adventures.
Price: $29.95
CLICK HERE to buy it!
The World In Color gift box is perfect for your artsy grad! This gift box comes with an adult coloring book full of bible inspired coloring pages to help uplift and encourage you while you get lost in the simple joy of coloring. This coloring book is full of diverse designs, you won’t know where to start. You can’t color without colored pencils which is why this box comes with a twenty-four set. No coloring experience is complete with out some sort of coffee or tea. The World In Color box also includes a scripture coffee mug and “Peaceful Spirit” organic tea blended to help promote a focused mind!
Price: 39.95
CLICK HERE to buy it!
Every one will one day fall victim to the comparison trap. Some may have already but if they haven’t if they aren’t careful they one day will. Comparison is never-ending and exhausting, it can destroy someone completely if they let it. That is why this box is on this list. This box comes with a 28 Day devotional called The Comparison Trap, written by Sandra Stanely. Not only does this book point out the pitfalls of comparison, it helps guide you out if you have fallen victim to it. This devotional is paired with a beautiful stationary to help you take note of what you are reading. Much like the previous box this box comes with a fun mug and tea. The tea that is paired with this box is a “Harvest Moon Red Chai” tea that’s flavors boats of sweet vanilla with a secret hint of citrus.
Price: $44.95
CLICK HERE to buy it!
The Rejoice and Be Glad box is carefully curated with items to remind you that God’s got this! The journal that is in this box is by far my favorite because the cover is decorated with everyone’s favorite verse, Jeremiah 29:11. To write in this inspiring and uplifting journal Freely Give added twelve metallic and glittery pens to this box. The encouragement doesn’t end with the journal it continues with a magnet and mug! Each adorned with different scriptures that will keep reminding you that God’s got this every time you see them! What’s the point in a mug if you don’t have something to fill it with? This box comes with “Peace Of Mind” organic tea!
Price: $59.95
CLICK HERE to buy it!
The Jesus Bible Box comes in three different variations, each box containing a NIV Bible but different accent pieces for different experiences. The box pictured above comes with a copy of The Jesus Bible in Linen that features written contributions from Louie Giglio and Max Lucado. As well as, a journal and a sleek black metal water bottle.
The other variations of this box include The Blue Edition (Price: $99.95) , and The Luxury Edition ($89.95).
Price: $74:95+
CLICK HERE to buy it!
This box is my favorite box that Freely Give carries. Much like the box above this box comes in a total of three variations, but unlike the last box the differences in this box’s variations are only the color of the bible it comes with. The Creative by Design box comes with a bible that anyone who is creative would love. This box features The Creative Bible in KJV. The thing that I love most about this bible is you can personalize it and it has a huge space for notes and writing!!!! This box is a writers dream. The note taking space in the bible is amazing but this box is also paired with a beautiful journal that is filled with inspirational bible verse artwork and of course a forty-eight pack of colored pencils! This box is available in Brown (Price: $74.95), Pink (Price: $79.95), as well as the Aqua that is pictured above!
Price: $79.95
CLICK HERE to buy it!
Be sure to head to Freely Give to check out all the other gift boxes that aren’t mentioned in this post and share these ideas with your friends and family!
As Always Keep Smiling,