For those in fandoms 2016 was rough. We lost so many great actors and musicians. I feel that it is only right to officially start off my Fandom Friday series with a post dedicated to those wonderful Wizards, Rebels, Droids, and Musicians that we all came to love and adore so much.
Alan Rickman
To start off the list we have Alan Rickman. The English actor was born February 21 , 1946 and died January 14, 2016. Of 2016 his death was the hardest for me. Alan Rickman was known for his rolls in Die Hard, Galaxy Quest, Sweeney Todd, and of course the roll that caused me to fall in love with him, Severus Snape in Harry Potter. Rickman died while battling pancreatic cancer at the age of 69. If you are anything like me you started off hating his character in Harry Potter but by the end of the series he was the one character that you loved most. That one character was a character I related to so much. I remember after Rickman passed calling my brother asking him to stop calling me Snivellus for a while because that is what James Potter called Severus Snape. As soon as my husband and I found out about his death we HAD to find the Severus POP! Funko. It is still one of my favorite POP!s. Alan Rickman’s memory will always be alive in the PotterHead community, always!
“Look…at…me…” he whispered. The green eyes found the black, but after a second, something in the depths of the dark pair seemed to vanish, leaving them fixed, blank, and empty. The hand holding Harry thudded to the floor, and Snape moved no more.
-J.K. Rowling
**To see a full list of movies and accomplishments by Alan Rickman CLICK HERE**
Anton Yelchin
Anton Yelchin was most known for playing Pavel Checkov in the most recent reboots and adaptations of the Star Trek series. Yelchin was born March 11, 1989 and was killed in a freak car accident June 19, 2016 at the age of 27. Yelchin also had roles in the movies Smurfs and Terminator: Salvation. Anton may have only lived to the young age of 27 but his memory will be alive as the quirky, young, Checkov that all Trekkies came to love in the reboots that started rolling out in 2009.
Live Long and Prosper!
**To see a full list of movies and accomplishments by Anton Yelchim CLICK HERE**
Erik Bauersfield
This name may not be recognized by some but fans of the Star Wars franchise recognize him. Family and Friends knew him as Erik but to Star Wars fanatics we knew him as Admiral Ackbar. Erik Baursfield died of natural causes at the age of 93, on April 3, 2016. Little did we know that his death was only the first death that Star Wars fans would cry through during 2016.
It’s a trap!
-Admiral Ackbar
**To see a full list of movies and accomplishments by Erik Bauersfield CLICK HERE**
Kenny Baker
In 2016 one of the world’s favorite droids passed away, marking the second of 3 Star Wars actors deaths that year. Kenny Baker was known all over as R2-D2. Before they had great CGI and technology for robots to be created they had Kenny Baker. Baker was born August 24, 1934 and passed away August 13, 2016 at 81. Little is known about his death but it is believed that he passed away due to having complications with dwarfism. As the Star Wars films continue I believe that we have not seen the last of R2-D2 even though Kenny has passed.
Excuse me sir, but that R2-D2 is in prime condition, a real bargain!
**To see a full list of movies and accomplishments by Kenny Baker CLICK HERE**
Gene Wilder
Another death that stabbed me right in the heart was the death of Gene Wilder. I grew up watching him in Willy Wonka and I knew all of the songs by heart. Wilder lived a long life, he passed away at 83 on August 28. Gene played many memorable rolls that won’t be forgotten. The movies he was in are classics that in my opinion will live on for many generations. I know for a fact that my son will be watching Will Wonka in the near future!
If you want to view paradise simply look around and view it, anything you want to, do it. Want to change the world? There’s nothing to it!
-Willy Wonka
**To see a full list of movies and accomplishments by Gene Wilder CLICK HERE**
Carrie Fisher
Just as 2016 was about to end and the fandoms finally began to end their mourning over the fallen, tragedy struck. Carrie Fisher who is most known for as Princess Leia Organa, daughter of Anakin SkyWalker and Padme Amidala, sister of Luke Skywalker, lover of Han Solo, suffered a heart attack not even 2 weeks after Rogue One hit theaters. On Christmas Eve Carrie had her heart attack and on December 27, 2016 she passed away. Carrie was 60 years of age when she passed. My heart broke when I read the news and I felt sick to my stomach. Her character was one that I grew up adoring and looking up to. I was so excited to see her in The Force Awakens and I was hoping to see her in the next few movies that are set to come out. But now, I can only wonder what they will do with her character in the series.
The force will be with you, Always!
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
**To see a full list of movies and accomplishments by Carrie Fisher CLICK HERE**
I know that many others have fallen but for the sake of the length of the post I included the ones who affected my emotions most. Who was the hardest death for you to handle in 2016? Were they on my list or was it one of the few that I left out? Let me know below.
POP! Funko Golden BB-8 Collectors Edition Vinyl Bobble-Head Hot Topic Exclusive
Submitted by: Jennifer Brock (me)
Price: $32.50
Buy It Now: CLICK HERE to buy BB-8 while you still can!
This POP! Funko, is a limited edition Hot Topic exclusive that was purchased on Black Friday 2016 for $20. This POP! is a collectors dream. This BB-8 POP! comes housed under a clear acrylic dome, and when the light reflects off of the dome it looks beautiful! It is the perfect centerpiece for our family’s little army of POP!’s. While writing this I asked my husband what would I even say to describe this, here was his response..
It’s GOLD! It’s BB-8! What more could you want!?
-Joe Brock
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