Goals For 2017!

2016 is behind us and 2017 is here! A new year to achieve new things and let the old things go! Last year I started The Brock Blog with no clue how many people it would reach, this year I want to reach more. One way to set yourself up for success is to set goals, so here are my main goals for 2017!!

1.Become more CONSISTENT at everything.
One of my greatest struggles is being consistent. For 2016 it was my goal to post on my blog at least once a month, but for 2017 I am wanting to post more on scheduled days so my readers know when to click my way!

This goal kind of goes hand in hand with goal #1 but I am determined to be more organized. I have tried making memos in my phone and Post-it notes but for 2017 I have decided  to try a planner! STARTplanner has helped me so much already keep track of special occasions and different due dates! Being organized means I will be on a strict schedule and in the end become more consistent!

3.Hit 1k (1,000) followers on Instagram!
Instagram is my favorite social media app out there! It’s easy to keep up with my favorite blogger and some of my best friends! When I started my blogging journey at the beginning of 2016 I had maybe 100 followers but now I am up to almost 500, it is my goal for 2017 to organically double that and post great content for my followers!

4.Learn to balance PARENTHOOD, MARRIAGE, and WORK!
Blogging is my job. Even though I work at home balancing the three things mentioned above is hard. My husband work 40+ hours, I am trying to become better at my job, and my son will be one in March. It would be so easy for me to neglect my blog so that I could spend time with my son and my husband but seeing other blogger’s success shows that there is such thing as a healthy balance and it is my goal to learn how to do it!

5.By the end of 2017 I want to have my own Domain
This is honestly my biggest goal for 2017. There are so many things that I want to be able to support my blog and have my own domain! I feel like with that comes so many more opportunities to branch out as well as bring in some income for my family as well as be found easier on sites like google and yahoo.

6.Be a better mom
This is a goal that I will have every day of every year. Momming is hard and some times I break easier than I should. For 2017 I want to be the best I can be for my son. I want to yell less, zone out less, and go numb less. He deserves me at my best and that is what I will do my best to be!

What are some of your goals to reach for 2017? Let me know in the comments below what you wish to achieve!
