A Must Have For Fall! (JORD Wood Watch Review + GIVEAWAY)

Every fall you deserve to have that one accessory that goes with everything you wear. That one accessory that you can wear with your classy outfits, flannels and casual skinny jeans, or your typical graphic tee paired with those oh so comfy yoga pants.

Every year mine changes. I’ve done scarves, beanies, bracelets, but this year I decided to try something new and go with a watch. Specifically a wooden watch!

I recently received a JORD watch, and can I say when I opened the package it took my breath away. The wooden box it comes is so sleek and nifty but the watch itself is B-E-A-UTIFUL!! I have never been one for watches but this one I can do!

The Frankie has a beautiful Zebrawood band with a navy face that goes with everything I own, because let’s face it I wear a lot of blue and in my opinion EVERYTHING should have a touch of blue. This watch adds that subtle touch of blue that my outfits so desperately need.

The thing I love about this kind of accessory is that it can be worn year round and you will never get tired of it!

Watches are wonderful for two reasons.

  1. They help you stay on time!
    If you are anything like me you lose track of anything. Time, your phone, you child’s favorite toy, etc. Losing track of time is something that I do often and I hate it. Phone’s die, or in my case, get lost so owning and wearing a watch helps me tremendously.
  2. Even if you don’t need it to tell time, a watch is the perfect accessory to add some class to your outfit.
    Everybody needs a little bit of style and class. What better way to add that to your outfit then with a lovely wooden watch? Male or female this watch can do that. Days that I am not planning on getting out of my pjs but my husband wants to add something new to his outfit he can do that. We make the watch our own every time we wear it.

This watch is not only stylish but it’s also baby proof!



Do you want one of these fabulous watches? Is it a little out of your price range? Well, between now and November 20th I will be hosting a giveaway!!! Each person who enters gets a $20 estore credit and the winner will receive a $75 credit! Just click here and follow the instructions to enter!



JORD Wooden Watches

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by JORD Wood Watches. All thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone.

Photo Credit: Hope Alvarez Photography 
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