Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NKJV Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up.
Since Joshua was born I have received many blessings from people. A Mei Tai carrier and tons of baby clothes, to name a few. I must say all of those things are helpful and much needed but to me the biggest blessing has been the people who have invested time into my life.
Once my son was born friends started dropping like flies and those who said they would help me with Joshua suddenly became to busy to even look my way when help was needed. For weeks I spent time at home alone with Joshua longing for interaction with someone other than my husband, son, and cat. I longed for someone who wouldn’t wish that I covered my son when I fed him or asked me to keep him quiet when he cried. I longed for someone who has walked in my shoes or is walking in them right now with me.
As a new mom and someone who is still having random battles with postpartum depression I believe that a vital key to not losing your sanity is having someone there with you who understands what is going on. I didn’t have that for the first few months of Joshua’s life and I was miserable. I craved interaction with other moms and people with children. I didn’t want to apologize for my son when he started crying at the most inconvenient times, because that is not something I can control. I may have longed to be understood before Joshua was born but after he was the longing became even stronger.
I prayed and prayed for God to place someone in my life who can help me through this next chapter that Joe and I have begun. Little did I know God would use someone I had only met once to bring a little bit of light into the darkness that was encompassing my life. Isn’t that the beauty of friendship though? Everyone was a stranger to you at one point in your life. All it takes is meeting someone once and then one of you reaching out, striving to further the relationship.
I have learned that the weeks that I do not see my newfound friend are the weeks I struggle most. She also has a child who is one month older than my son. She doesn’t get bothered when I have to stop whatever we are doing to feed or comfort my son. She also helps me regain what sanity I have lost that week. She shares in joys of motherhood as well as the trials.
Motherhood is so much more fun when are you have someone to learn with you. Your failures don’t feel as big and they help remind you that you still matter. It doesn’t matter what you do when you are together as long as you enjoy it. We have done everything together in the short period of time that we have known each other. Some days we paint, others we binge watch a random Netflix series while eating chocolate covered strawberries, and sometimes we nap while our children are sleeping.
Stay at home mom or not, I encourage you to find someone who is willing to spend this time with you because sometimes it is what you need to move forward in life.
As Always Keep Smiling,