A Wife’s Tale

Baby Carrier- Infantino Mei Tai


My husband just got home from work and is sound asleep, my teething 11 week old is fighting to stay awake because the pain is making it hard for him to sleep, and I finally have some alone time to relax and catch up on Dancing With The Stars… NOT. The apartment exploded again after my family returned from our mini vacation to Dallas, dishes are piled up, I need to write a new blog post, and in a couple hours dinner needs to be started. <– This is a typical day for me lately. What little peace and quiet I have is dictated by the silent noise of the mess around me.

If you let it stress can be the number 1 thief of your joy and anything can stress you out. My husband works a lot of early morning shifts so as soon as he gets home he naps and my son just began teething and is beginning to refuse to nap so every chore is starting to build up. I look around me and become overwhelmed with what needs done.

Today I opened my Bible to Proverbs 31, what most people would say is the ideal woman. This woman is the woman I aspire to be. She has her house in order for her husband. She is wise and profitable. Her husband respects and cherishes her. She is the trophy wife and mother that every woman should strive to be.

I ask myself how she does it, hoping that God will reveal it to me as I reread the chapter over and over again.

Proverbs 31:30 NKJV Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the LORD she shall be praised.

That one verse slapped me right in the face. She was a God-fearing woman. She did everything she could to honor her husband, how much more didshe want to honor God, the one who gave her everything she has?

God is a God of order not chaos. It is no wonder that when things are chaotic in your house, your emotions and life start to become chaotic. God will not be where chaos and confusion are. It is not like him. I believe that the woman in Proverbs 31 understood that more than anybody. She knew that if her family life was chaotic her spiritual life would be chaotic. Living a chaotic life will get you no where fast but living a life of order will open up doors you never knew existed because they were blocked by the mess.

If you are like me you have a whole lot of chaos that needs to be sorted out and it seems like it will never get done, but start with little tasks and gradually bring order to your household. It doesn’t all have to be done at once. I have learned that lie has one of the biggest strongholds on wives and mothers these days. We think that it all needs to be done this second, so we become stressed, angry, and eventually give up making matters only worse and allowing things to build up even more than they were before.

Set a goal, work toward it bit by bit, and eventually you will become that wife or mother that you so desperately want to become!


As Always Keep Smiling